Day 1

      On Sunday Cristy, Monet and I traveled to Hotel Aeropuerto. It was a little sketchy at first because we kept driving farther and farther outside of town. The hotel almost reminded me of the Las Cruces Garden because when you enter it is surrounded by pretty trees. The hotel was pretty cool it wasn't like others, the entrance had no walls or doors it was wide open so I really liked that. We were staying at the Hampton the night before and it was a nice hotel but this hotel really made me feel like I was really in Costa Rica :) I was pretty exhausted from traveling the day before so it was nice to just have a free day while we waited for everyone to show up. I wish we went to explore the town but I was being lazy and took a really long nap and was just straight up lounging :D  
     Later that night those of us who arrived at the hotel met in the restaurant and had dinner together There was so many of us and the waiter who took the orders didn't write down our names with our orders so when they brought out the food some people forgot what they ordered :D He had to ask a couple of times for almost every dish hahah. But eventually we all got our orders and the food was pretty good. I got to meet my mentor that night and the other student who I was working with and hear a little bit about everyone else on the trip. They all seemed pretty cool so can't wait to get to know them all more.

-Lil' Kim 😜


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